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Our trained and experienced installation team ensures that the furniture is correctly installed as per manufacturer’s guidelines.
We are experienced in installing all major systems furniture lines by manufacturers such as Herman Miller, Steelcase, AllSteel, Hon, Haworth, National Office Furniture, Kimball, Paoli, and Gunlocke to name a few.
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[banner img=”wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Biz-Reloc-Icon-for-web-03.jpg” banner_link=”services-business-relocation” title=”Business Relocation” text=”
Coordinate with all parties involved to create a plan that is functional and without conflict.
From planning to implementation, to logistics and coordination, to handing over a ready to move space to you, we do it all.
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Resource One provides a whole range of Facilities Management Services.
We install systems furniture, help you relocate furniture to and from departments, buildings, and locales, rejuvenate your furniture, just to name a few. Call us today to get detailed information pertinent to your project needs.
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Work with Furniture install team, General Contractor, Electrician, Carpet install team, and other players to ensure that everything is going smoothly.
Our team consists of Interior Designers, Project Managers, trained and experienced installers, and professional fabricators.
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